QED 2024
Playground Dots

Luka Gauta

Head of Product Management at CROZ | Creative Director at CROZ Studio

Luka Gauta has been in CROZ for 15 years participating in several roles related to creating different software solutions and IT services, where he got valuable hands-on experience of the complete product lifecycle and the challenges it brings within complex enterprise environments. Extending his knowledge with Executive MBA graduation along the way, last couple of years he’s been working intensively with mostly financial sector clients in order to improve business from IT and organizational perspective.

He has been taking part in cultural changes within numerous organizations, from an operational as well as a managerial perspective, all while considering the influence of digital transformation and using the benefits of adequate modern technology and methodology.

He is our frequent keynote and conference speaker and a true fan of business creativity, product management and methodological pragmatism.

All sessions by
Luka Gauta

Panel discussion: Playground from leadership perspective – safe to fail 

In this discussion, we will focus on the role of leadership in creating an environment where failure is seen as a learning opportunity rather than a setback, where there’s no blame game....

Playground Courage – Choosing Action Over Fear

Join Michal Oshman for her session ‘Playground Courage: Action over Fear’ to develop a deeper understanding of how to bring your authentic self into your leadership role, find the courage within yourself...